Seller Divides Boston Building IntoTwo, Sells 18,000 SF for $4.7 Million


BOSTON –City Fresh Foods, in an off-market transaction at 94 Shirley Street in Boston, bought the more than half of the building for $4.7 million.

David Skinner, Senior Advisor and Associate Broker at the Stubblebine Company represented the buyer, City Fresh Foods.

The Seller, 94 Shirley Street Bos LLC, subdivided the 28,000 SF building which is situated on 1.27 acres to sell an 18,000 SF condominium to the Buyer for $4,700,000.

City Fresh Foods is Boston-based, community-driven, Black-and-employee-owned food
service business focused on food justice and equity in a city that has needed much reform
in this area.

City Fresh has been a pioneer in the food service industry for the last 27 years
constantly evolving as a business while solving issues surrounding food equality and

City Fresh Foods was recently awarded the largest non-construction contract in
the history of the Commonwealth to service the Boston Public Schools.

Sheldon Lloyd, co-founder, CEO, and shareholder has been featured in the Boston
Business Journal, and many of the major news networks because of the impact that City
Fresh Foods has had on the Greater Boston community.

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