Construction Company Hammers Home the Importance of Affordable Housing

Acella volunteer crew

WEYMOUTH, MA– Acella Construction recently joined South Shore Habitat for Humanity for a rewarding day of building at Habitat’s current site in Duxbury.

Acella’s employees participated in Habitat’s team build program, where volunteers from all walks of life come together to support safe, affordable homes for economically disadvantaged families.

South Shore Habitat for Humanity, which has delivered quality housing in partnership with families in need for over 32 years,  invites groups of all kinds – companies, faith groups and neighbors – to lend their unique talent in opening doors for struggling families in their own community.

Habitat has welcomed over 100 volunteers to their latest project, which consists of six townhomes on the newly named Feinberg Bog Road in Duxbury.

The townhomes are located on a parcel off Temple Street, which was formerly part of Camp Wing.  The ambitious project, a partnership between SSHH and the Town of Duxbury’s Affordable Housing Trust, will offer three townhomes to low-income households and three to moderate-income households.

In South Shore Habitat, Acella President Dave Dirubbo found a perfect partner to support one of the company’s guiding principles. “We believe in reinvesting in our communities, which is exactly what Habitat for Humanity does every day,” said Dave.  “This was an opportunity to lend our expertise to make a difference in the community where our employees work and live.”

Volunteers can join Habitat for a day of building on each of their project sites. There are also opportunities for families, youth groups, civic groups or individuals to participate as lunch providers for the construction crew. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Evy Nelson at [email protected] or call 781-337-7744 ext. 15.

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