Lara Pfadt of Finegold Alexander Achieves Certified Passive House Consultant Status

Lara Pfadt

BOSTON – Boston-based Finegold Alexander Architects announced that their Associate and Sustainability Strategist, Lara Pfadt, AIA, has officially achieved Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC) status, as determined by the Passive House Institute of the US (PHIUS).

PHIUS+ is the largest Passive Building Certification in North America and has certified or pre-certified 4.2 million square feet of projects in the United States.

Passive house is a standard for designing and constructing energy-efficient buildings used by architecture, engineering, and construction firms including Finegold Alexander. As Sustainability Strategist at the firm, Pfadt brings deep expertise in environmentally responsible design to all of her project work. The PHIUS certification process involves months of rigorous study, and throughout her training Lara continued to bring back the knowledge she learned to the firm.

“Lara is a passionate advocate for green building practices and has led numerous staff development sessions at Finegold Alexander on Passive House principles and other sustainable design topics,” says Rebecca Berry, President and Director of Sustainability at Finegold Alexander Architects. “We look forward to utilizing Lara’s expertise on sustainable building design to better service our clients, to continue to be a leader in the design of green, energy efficient buildings that benefit our communities.”

PHIUS created the Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC®) training program, the CPHC professional credential, and the accompanying continuing education program in 2008. Students learn passive building principles, receive hands-on training in modeling using WUFI Passive, and learn to design and execute commercial, residential, and retrofit projects.

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