Senior Housing Expert and EPOCH VP of Planning and Development Michael Gordon to Speak at the Senior Housing Summit on Feb. 13

Michael Gordon

WALTHAM, MA– Boston Real Estate Times announced that Michael Gordon, a senior housing expert and Vice President of Planning and Development at EPOCH Senior Living, will speak at the 9th Annual Senior Housing Summit on Feb. 13 at Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA.

The senior housing summit is organized annually by the Boston Real Estate Times, area’s premier source of commercial real estate news and information.

Mr. Gordon joined EPOCH Senior Living in 1998 where he is responsible for the company’s acquisition and development activity. He has actively participated in 12 ground up developments and his responsibilities include, but are not limited to, identifying and securing development sites, financial modeling, market demand analysis and investor relations.

Mr. Gordon has over 20 years of senior housing industry development experience.  He holds a B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley and a M.B.A. from Bryant University.

Among the topics discussed this year include: rising healthcare costs, an ageing population, increased longevity, recent boom in senior living market and other key questions about the state of the senior living industry in 2019 and beyond. How does 2019 and beyond look like for assisted living, senior housing and health rehabilitation centers? Despite the demand, why has occupancy fell or remained flat and why were construction starts lower than expected in 2018?

According to the National Investment Center (NIC), inclusive of market rate properties with at least 25 units/beds, there are currently about 2.9 million units in slightly less than 22,100 seniors housing and care properties in the United States. The total market capitalization of this investment seniors housing and care property market is estimated to be between $250 billion and $270 billion.

Based on 2010 population estimates, over 20% of the 12 million households headed by persons at least 75 years old reside in seniors housing and care properties, according to the NIC.

Come and learn more about senior living industry.

To register for the Senior Housing Summit, please click here.

Here the schedule for the Senior Living Summit:

Date: Feb. 13, 2018

Venue: Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA

7:15 am:  Registration

7:15 am – 8:50 am:  Continental Breakfast & Networking

7:55 am – 9:15 am:  Panel discussion

9:15 am – 9:30 am:  Networking.

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