IREM Boston Inaugurates New Officers and Board of Directors

Photo (left to right): Chip Watts, IREM International President, and IREM Boston Board of Directors William Woodward, Christopher Mellen, Chris Salamanis-Rivera, Yoany Vargas, Peter Lewis, Pamelia Haynes, Kimberly Parker, David Barrett, Tony Susi, Scott Chakoutis, Frank Cevetello, Robert Phillips, Kristin Pine, and John Parda. (Missing from the photo are Melissa Fish-Crane, Nancy Gaudet and Warren Lizio.)

BOSTON–The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) Boston Metropolitan Chapter No. 4 has inaugurated the newest members and 2022 Officers and Board of Directors during its recent Holiday Celebration and Chapter Awards Night held at Granite Links in Quincy on December 2.

Installed as Officers for 2022 were:

Melissa Fish-Crane, CPM, 2022 Chapter President, Peabody Properties Inc.
William Woodward, CPM, ARM, Vice President, First Realty Management Company
Chris Salamanis-Rivera, CPM, Treasurer, Beacon Communities
Antony Susi, Secretary, CPM, ARM, First Realty Management Company

Installed as Board of Directors were:

Christopher E. Mellen, CPM, ARM, The Simon Companies
David Barrett, CPM, ARM, RCM Services Inc.
Frank Cevetello, CPM, First Realty Management Corp.
John Parda, CPM, ARM, The Simon Companies
Kimberly Parker, CPM, ARM, Maloney Properties
Kristin Pine, CPM, ARM, Peabody Properties
Nancy Gaudet, CPM, Corcoran Management Company
Pamelia Haynes, CPM, ARM, Micozzi Management Inc.
Peter Lewis, CPM, Schochet Companies
Scott Chakoutis, CPM, Trinity Management, LLC
Warren Lizio, CPM, ARM, The Simon Companies
Yoany Vargas, CPM, ARM, Housing Management Resources Inc.
Robert Phillips, ARM, The Simon Companies

Several chapter members were also recognized for earning their Accredited Residential Manager (ARM) and installed during the event.

IREM International President Chip Watts presided over the ceremonies. He is president and executive CPM for Watts Realty Co., Inc., AMO(r), in Birmingham, Alabama. He served as the 2008 president of IREM’s Alabama chapter and the 2009 president of the CCIM Institute’s Alabama chapter. Watts served for two years as an IREM regional vice president. He also chaired the IREM Chapter Leadership Forum, the AMO Taskforce, and has been a long-time member of the IREM Governing Council.

“It was a privilege to have Chip Watts preside over this year’s installation services,” said Melissa Fish-Crane, 2022 president of IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter No. 4 and principal and COO of the Peabody Companies. “Congratulations and thanks are in order to all Officers and Board members who will help lead our chapter during what looks to be a dynamic 2022.”

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