Urban Spaces CEO Paul Ognibene to Speak at the Boston Multifamily Growth & Development Summit on April 3

Paul Ognibene

WALTHAM, MA– Urban Spaces CEO Paul Ognibene will be the featured speaker at the Boston Multifamily Growth & Development Summit on Wednesday, April 3, at Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA

Other speakers at the summit include Richard Robinson, Vice President of Acquisitions at John M. Corcoran & Company, and Shannon Earley, Regional Manager of Princeton Properties. The panel will be moderated by Upendra Mishra, publisher and editor of Boston Real Estate Times.

Mr. Ognibene is CEO of Urban Spaces, a Cambridge, MA-based real estate company which he founded in 2004.  Urban Spaces develops mid-sized residential and commercial projects in growing neighborhoods, often near public transportation, universities, hospitals, and employment hubs.

Mr. Ognibene sets the vision and direction for the company and provides executive oversight of all client relationships, contract negotiations, and multi-million-dollar budgets.

He graduated from Boston College and Harvard Business School.

To register, please click here.

Here the schedule of the academic real estate summit:

Date: April 3, 2019

Venue: Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA

7:15 am: Registration

7:15 am – 7:50 am: Continental Breakfast & Networking

7:55 am – 9:15 am: Panel discussion

9:15 am – 9:45 am: Networking.


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