Most Expensive U.S. Zip Codes in 2020: Massachusetts Features 4 Zip Codes in the 100 Priciest


BOSTON–Massachusetts features 4 zip codes in the 100 priciest in 2020, according to a report issued by Property Shark.

Although Massachusetts had the heaviest presence among the country’s most expensive zip codes, it failed to claim the most expensive zip in the region, the report said. This was due to the absence of Boston’s ultra-pricey 02199, which had insufficient sales activity.

As a result, Massachusetts’ most expensive zip in 2020 was 02554 in Nantucket, the #54 priciest in the U.S. thanks to its $1,825,000 median — a significant gain compared to the $1,480,000 recorded in 2018, the last time it ranked among the country’s top zips.

Nantucket was followed by 02481 in Wellesley Hills, which ranked as the #68 most expensive zip code in the U.S. with a $1,703,000 median sale price. That was the result of a 16% price gain, which afforded Wellesley Hills its highest median in five years. Additionally, Weston’s 02493 took #93, climbing five positions following a 5% Y-o-Y increase that raised its median to $1,504,000.

Boston was represented by Beacon Hill’s 02108, which landed at #81 with a $1,600,000 median. Beacon Hill was last seen among the nation’s most expensive zip codes in 2017, when it claimed the same position despite a lower $1,475,000 median.

“As a truly unprecedented year draws to a close, we’ve yet again taken a look at the 100 most expensive zip codes in the U.S. As always, when determining the most exclusive areas for high-priced real estate, we calculated median sale prices based on closed home sales, not asking prices, as we consider this methodology to provide the most accurate picture of actual market dynamics,” said Shark Report. “Whereas asking prices reflect sellers wishes, calculating medians based on sale prices reflects the transactional reality on the ground…All in all, after analyzing residential sales closed between January 1 and October 16, 2020, we identified the 100 highest medians in the country, which were claimed by 121 zip codes due to 17 price ties.”

To read the full report, please click here.

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