Margulies Perruzzi Architects Receives SMPS Boston Award for Internal Communications

Photo credit: Frank Monkiewicz

BOSTON – Margulies Perruzzi Architects (MPA) announced that the firm was honored with a 2017 Communications Award from the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Boston Chapter. MPA received the first place honor in the Internal Communications category for its mock newspaper piece roasting senior partner and principal Dan Perruzzi on his 60th birthday.

The award marks MPA’s 10th SMPS Boston award since 2007. The firm has also won three SMPS National awards.

MPA’s sense of humor – especially the staff’s ability to laugh at themselves – has for years been central to the firm’s culture and identity. While the firm conveys that humor in its annual holiday video, MPA’s marketing department took this sense of fun a step further by creating in-house a mock “MPA Times” newspaper piece affectionately lampooning Dan Perruzzi on his milestone birthday. The entire staff participated in creating the piece by contributing articles, inside jokes, and other facetious content, as well as reaching out to select clients and industry partners for additional material.

Margulies Perruzzi Architects received the first place honor in the internal communications category in the 2017 SMPS Boston Communications Award program. MPA’s Stephanie Tyll, marketing manager, and Janet Morra, AIA, LEED AP, principal and partner, receive the award from SMPS Boston President Sarah Hotchkiss.Photo credit: Frank Monkiewicz

Dan’s wife Gayle also contributed several embarrassing photos and anecdotes. At a surprise birthday lunch in his honor, the “MPA Times” newspaper was successfully presented to Dan, who was genuinely surprised and couldn’t stop laughing – along with the rest of the staff. The camaraderie and positive attitude of the whole staff was tangible in the days and weeks afterwards.

“The concept and production of this mock newspaper piece was a labor of love: its sincere intent was to wish Dan a very happy birthday through the fun and friendly ribbing he has come to expect from all of us,” said Stephanie Tyll, marketing manager at Margulies Perruzzi Architects. “It is an honor to be recognized by a jury of my peers, especially since this unique piece truly captures the culture and personality of MPA.”

The Internal Communications category recognizes any print or digital communications vehicle intended for an employee audience. The jury thought MPA’s mock newspaper piece was “very fun and clever…. Automatically winners – [the piece] really stood out.”

After the birthday lunch, Dan wrote in an all-staff email: “…I feel very lucky to come to work in a place with so many talented and fun people. Individually and collectively, you help me see issues more clearly and you inspire me. And sometimes, you make me laugh. I am very grateful to share this experience with you. That newspaper made me laugh so hard over the weekend that I was crying. For me, it represents the spirit of this place – fun, irreverent, and very creative. Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all.”

MPA’s past awards from SMPS Boston and SMPS National include honors for an integrated marketing campaign, target market pieces, alternative media, a special event, and several holiday videos.

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