MAYNARD, MA – JM Coull has received ABC National Safety Excellence Award for 2016. In order to be eligible for this honor, firms must have achieved a 2016 ABC Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) Award at the Diamond, Platinum, or Gold level.
JMC was qualified at the Diamond level (the firm has achieved Diamond status every year for the last six years). Firms were honored during ABC’s Workforce Week 2017 in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

ABC Executive Committee Chair Chuck Goodrich, JMC COO Josh Brandt, and JMC Marketing Manager Laura Burch.
General contractors seeking Excellence-level awards must demonstrate exceptional safety performance and world-class leadership commitment to safety, foster a culture of safety that is embraced by all company employees, and implement procedures to mitigate hazards before they occur. JMC was the only general contractor from New England to win the award in its category (categories based on recorded work hours).
“We’re very honored to accept such a high level of recognition for our safety program,” comments JMC COO Josh Brandt. “The entire JMC organization works extremely hard to ensure we’re providing the safest environment possible not only for our employees, but for our customers, teaming partners, and subcontractors as well. This award is a testament to our commitment to the well-being of everyone involved in our projects.”