Elkus Manfredi Architects to Host the 4th Annual Canley Cup


BOSTON–In the thick of giving season, Elkus Manfredi Architects has partnered with a handful of like-minded creative tenants in the Seaport’s Innovation and Design Building for the 4th annual Canley Cup.

What is the Canley Cup you ask?

It’s a large and much needed annual holiday donation masquerading as a friendly design competition. Over the course of two weeks, teams from Elkus Manfredi and the likes of Autodesk, MassChallenge, and others in IDB crawl grocery stores from NH to the South Shore to find the perfect non-perishables (canned goods, boxes of pasta, etc.) to create themed structures … this years’ theme is animation!

Now in its 4th year, the Canley Cup has donated approximately 20K items to The Greater Boston Food Bank to date. The competition is set to wrap the eve of Thursday 11/21 in the Design Center’s events hall where a panel of judges will award the winning team this year’s Canley Cup honors. This will be followed on Friday 11/22 by a visit and donation pick up by The Greater Boston Food Bank during which they will load pallets upon pallets of thousands of non-perishables into trucks to help feed Boston’s less fortunate.

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