Developer sought for MBTA’s Mattapan Station site


Mattapan-ITB-FINAL-11-18-151BOSTON–The Boston Redevelopment Authority is assisting the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority in getting the word out about a redevelopment opportunity for the Mattapan Station site.

The MBTA is making available approximately 2.5 acres of land immediately adjacent to Mattapan Station near Mattapan Square for development, according to BRA website.

Virtually on top of the Ashmont-Mattapan High Speed Line, this site is located half a mile away from the planned Blue Hill Avenue Station on the Fairmount Line. Redevelopment Use and Design Guidelines for the site, crafted by the BRA in collaboration with the Mattapan community, call for residential uses, focusing on market-rate ownership or cooperative housing with a portion devoted to affordable housing, consistent with the City’s Inclusionary Development Policy.

The Guidelines also call for ground floor commercial and support service uses. This transit-rich site in historic Mattapan Square offers a unique opportunity for mixed use, transit oriented development.

For more information, please see the MBTA’s Invitation to Bid or contact the Massachusetts Realty Group (contact info provided on page 4 of the bid document).

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