Deadline for Boston Real Estate Times Excellence Awards 2018 is This Friday


WALTHAM, MA—Only two days are left to nominate best and brightest of real estate companies and executives for Boston Real Estate Times Excellence Awards 2018. The deadline for nomination is this Friday, Sept. 28, 2018.

To nominate, please click here.

On Oct. 15, 2018, Boston Real Estate Times will honor the best and the brightest of the commercial real estate industry with its annual Boston Real Estate Times Excellence Awards at Newton Marriott Hotel in Newton, MA, in the following categories:

  1. Person of the Year
  2. Architecture/Design
  3. Commercial Brokerage: Investment and Sales
  4. Commercial Brokerage: Leasing and Corporate Services
  5. Commercial Mortgage and Finance
  6. Construction
  7. Green Design
  8. Multi Housing
  9. Organization of the Year
  10. Retail Real Estate

With about 11,000 subscribers, Boston Real Estate Times is the premier source of commercial real estate news and information in New England.

It will take less than two minutes to nominate someone you think deserves this great honor. You can nominate an individual or a company that has been creative, innovative or has done an outstanding job in 2018.

To nominate, please click here.

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