Retail Real Estate Summit: Bricks vs. Clicks on July 9 at Westin Hotel in Waltham

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WALTHAM, MA—Commercial real estate experts will examine the retail upheaval in the era of the online shopping boom at the upcoming Boston Real Estate Times’s monthly breakfast summit on July 9 at the Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA.

As retailers, retail developers, mall owners and architects deal with consumer habits in the era of online shopping, the industry is going though enormous changes. Some retailers have filed for bankruptcy, mall owners are trying to use different concepts to utilize and maximize their space, and some have reported a decline in retail rents.

These trends are happening across the country. How is it impacting New England and Massachusetts? What is the future of local retail real estate? What should retail developers and brokers do? What is the feasibility a continued brick-and-mortar retail presence?

Prof. Bill Wheaton of the MIT Center for Real Estate says there is no end to questions and debate about the movement of sales from traditional stores over to online stores.

“The internet seems to offer greater product choice than traditional shopping, while the latter still provides ‘experience’ and the personal inspection of goods,” Prof. Wheaton recently wrote in his blog. “In the end it may boil down to who can get the goods into consumers’ hand the most cheaply.”

To register, please click here.

Here is the schedule of real estate summit:

Date: July 9, 2019

Venue: Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA

7:15 am: Registration

7:15 am – 7:50 am: Continental Breakfast & Networking

7:55 am – 9:15 am: Panel discussion

9:15 am – 9:30 am: Networking.

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