HUD, City of Springfield to Host Opportunity Zone Forum

Domenic Sarno

BOSTON – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development New England Regional Administrator David Tille will join City of Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno in hosting an Opportunity Zone Forum on October 28.

The Forum will provide information to western Massachusetts businesses, developers, elected officials, and other organizations that are interested in learning more about Opportunity Zones and the resources and investment incentives that are available.

Opportunity Zones were created under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act with the goal of stimulating economic development and job creation in low-income communities by incentivizing long-term capital investments. Opportunity Zones, are home to nearly 35 million Americans – including 2.4 million HUD-assisted individuals – in all 50 states and five U.S. territories.

 Monday October 28, 2019

WHO:            City of Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno

HUD New England Regional Administrator, David Tille

HUD Advisor to the Assistant Deputy Secretary, Alexander Stowe

Small Business Administration, Regional Administrator, Wendall Davis

Brian Newman, partner, CohnReznick, LLP

WHAT:         Opportunity Zone Forum for developers, local businesses, nonprofits, state

and local leaders and government officials, interested in learning more about                           Opportunity Zones.

WHERE: UMass Center at Springfield, Tower Square, 1500 Main Street, Springfield, MA

WHEN:     Monday, October 28, 2019 – 1:30 to 4 pm (Registration 1:30 to 2 pm)   Opportunity Zone Forum 2 to 4 p.m.

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