Green Leaf Construction Tops Off for F.W. Webb’s Future Central Distribution Facility


LONDONDERRY, NH – Over 100 people joined Green Leaf Construction on-site earlier this month to celebrate the placement of the final structural steel beam of the future F.W. Webb Central Distribution Facility. This marked the latest milestone in the construction of the nearly 1 million square foot facility, which is scheduled for completion at the end of the year.

Tom Dube, Chief Operating Officer of Green Leaf, thanked the many who have been a part of the project to date and provided a sense of the building’s large scale by equating some of the project’s impressive statistics to the size of a football field. Some examples include: movement of enough earth to bury a football field 280 feet deep, 1,500 tons of steel joists and girders plus 573 columns which would span 80 football fields stretched end to end and nearly 5 football fields of precast concrete panels (the panels were set in only 35 days).

Jeff Pope, President of F.W. Webb, also spoke and thanked the many who have worked on the project. Pope went on to note the significance the project holds for F.W. Webb as the new building will be more than double the current Central Distribution Facility in size. Pope noted that this will accommodate the company’s rapid growth and future expansion plans throughout the Northeast.

Green Leaf Construction is a construction management, design build and general contracting firm located in Leominster, Mass. serving commercial, industrial and institutional organizations throughout the Northeast.

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