Callahan Construction Managers Building for South Shore Habitat for Humanity


Duxbury, MA– Callahan Construction Managers, a full-service construction management company that has served the New England and Northeast regions for more than 65 years, recently completed the organization’s second philanthropic build-day for South Shore Habitat for Humanity (SSHH).

On Wednesday July 11th, seven Callahan employees, including Callahan CFO, Don Fraser, visited the build site on Feinberg Bog Road in Duxbury, to begin the second phase of construction at the development. This is the second time Callahan has built at the Duxbury site, with the first visit taking place in April.

The development at Feinberg Bog Road is set to provide six townhomes, which will bring the total of Habitat homes built within the town of Duxbury to ten. South Shore Habitat for Humanity held a home dedication ceremony for the completion of the first three units. Families for all three units are now moved into their new homes. Callahan’s tasks the following day was to add final touches to these units. The remaining three units are expected to be completed by October and Callahan plans to do another build day before the project is complete.

For the past 33 years, South Shore Habitat for Humanity has provided safe, healthy, and affordable housing for families in need throughout the region. Callahan and South Shore Habitat for Humanity have maintained a longstanding relationship, and Callahan is proud to be a Community Builder Sponsor in 2019, participating in four volunteer build days at the community sponsorship level.

Alongside local volunteers, families put in “sweat equity hours” to build their home and then purchase the property with a 30-year, affordable mortgage. Homes have a deed restriction that maintains the affordability status of each home in perpetuity. Habitat Family Partners are selected through a competitive underwriting process based on their ability to pay, willingness to partner, and their need for adequate housing.

“While Callahan builds affordable housing developments throughout the state, our relationship with South Shore Habitat for Humanity provides our employees with the unique opportunity to work alongside the families whose homes we are building,” states Patrick Callahan, President of Callahan Construction Managers. “Volunteering on build days gives the Callahan team a larger sense of purpose and fosters a stronger relationship between our company and the communities where we work.”

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