15 Massachusetts Companies Named Winners of MassEcon “Impact” Awards


WATERTOWN, MA – MassEcon, the state’s private sector partner in promoting business growth in Massachusetts, announced its Fifteenth Annual Team Massachusetts Economic Impact Award winners, recognizing 15 companies for their outstanding contributions to the Massachusetts economy.

The companies were selected on the basis of job growth, facility expansion, investment, and community involvement since January 1, 2017. The winners will be honored at a luncheon on November 20, 2018 at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, with Citizens Bank as presenting sponsor.

For the first year since the awards have been conferred, all three winners from the Greater Boston region are recognized for their growth within the City of Boston.

The winning companies (listed below) were selected after site visits and a reception with their competitors and judges at Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP. The company expansion project’s represent a financial investment over $779 million, more than 1.6 million square feet, and more than 3,100 jobs added to the state’s economy.

“We are happy to recognize leaders in Massachusetts’ exceptional business community, and thank them for their contributions to our Commonwealth’s economy and their commitment to their local communities,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash. “Maintaining strong relationships between public and private sectors is crucial to increasing access to job opportunities for residents, and creating the conditions for long-term, stable economic growth in every region of our Commonwealth.”

Susan Houston, MassEcon’s Executive Director said, “This year marks the 15th anniversary of the awards event, and it continues to be my honor to celebrate companies choosing to expand in the Commonwealth. The companies are proud examples of the MassEcon mission to champion Massachusetts as the best place to start, grow, or locate a business.”

“This is well earned recognition of companies committed to the long term growth and success of the Massachusetts economy,” said Jerry Sargent, President, Citizens Bank, Massachusetts. “Citizens Bank is pleased to partner with MassEcon to celebrate the economic impact of those who are investing in new infrastructure, creating jobs and helping our citizens reach their potential.”

FifTEENTH Annual Team Massachusetts Economic Impact Award Winners

Region Gold Silver Bronze
Central Table Talk Pies


Imperial Distributors


Little Leaf Farms


Greater Boston Wayfair


CloudHealth Technologies


America’s Test Kitchen


Northeast MilliporeSigma




Endeavor Robotics


Southeast Moderna


Design Communications


Cox Engineering
West MGM Casino




Decker Machine Works


The Winning Companies

Greater Boston Winners

Gold: Wayfair of Boston – Wayfair is an e-commerce company that invested $23.1 million in a 700,000 square foot facility in Boston where it added 2,200 jobs. Since its founding in 2002, Wayfair has secured $5 billion in revenue. https://www.wayfair.com/

Silver: CloudHealth Technologies of Boston – CloudHealth Technologies is a leading cloud management platform that helps companies support their business needs through analyzing, valuing, and managing data. The company invested $11 million in a 50,000 square foot expansion in Boston and added 200 jobs. https://www.cloudhealthtech.com/

Bronze: America’s Test Kitchen of Boston – America’s Test Kitchen, a multimedia company with a food focus that produces cookbooks, online cooking classes, magazines, and other online cooking resources, added 30,000 square feet and 26 jobs in its move from Brookline to Boston where it can accommodate its young workforce. https://www.americastestkitchen.com/

Central Winners

Gold: Table Talk Pies of Worcester – Table Talk Pies is a leading family-owned manufacturer and seller of pies that opened a new location in Worcester where it invested $4 million, and added 50,000 square feet and 61 jobs. http://www.tabletalkpie.com/wp/

Silver: Imperial Distributors of Worcester – Family-owned Imperial Distributors is a leader in distribution and merchandising of supermarket non-food goods that expanded in Worcester, adding 100,000 square feet and 25 jobs, and investing $12.5 million. https://www.imperialdist.com/

Bronze: Little Leaf Farms of Devens – Founded in 2015, world-class hydroponic greenhouse, Little Leaf Farms, uses sustainable technology to harvest baby green vegetables. In its expansion to Devens, the company invested $10 million, and added 2.5 acres and 20 jobs. http://www.littleleaffarms.com/

Northeast Winners

Gold: MilliporeSigma of Burlington – MilliporeSigma provides scientists and engineers with the best-in-class lab materials, technologies, and services. The company expanded with a 280,000 square foot Life Sciences Center in Burlington where it invested $115 million and added 266 jobs. http://www.emdmillipore.com/US/en

Silver: Krohne of Beverly – Founded in Germany in 1921, family-owned Krohne manufactures, sells, and services process instrumentation which is used to measure various physical properties of fluid. The company invested $25.5 million in its Beverly location, adding 54,000 square feet and 13 jobs. https://us.krohne.com/en/

Bronze: Endeavor Robotics of Chelmsford– Endeavor Robotics is the world’s leading provider of battle-tested Unmanned Ground Vehicles. The company expanded by 22,000 square feet in Chelmsford and since January 1, 2017, the company added 65 jobs and is growing at 20% a year. http://www.endeavorrobotics.com/

Southeast Winners

Gold: Moderna of Norwood – Moderna, a biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Cambridge that is pioneering messenger RNA-based therapeutics and vaccines, expanded to Norwood in 2018 with a $110 million investment, adding 200,000 square feet and 153 jobs. https://www.modernatx.com/

Silver: Design Communications of Avon – Design Communications manufactures and fabricates architectural elements such as signs, sculptures, and LED walls. The company invested $7.3 million in a 137,000 square foot expansion and added 85 jobs in Avon. https://www.designcommunicationsltd.com/

Bronze: Cox Engineering of Randolph – HVAC construction company Cox Engineering designs, fabricates, and installs HVAC piping and sheet metal ductwork. To allow for greater manufacturing, the company invested $9.1 million and added 25,000 square feet and 20 jobs in Randolph. https://coxengineering.com/

West Winners

Gold: MGM Casino of Springfield – At the crossroads of New England, MGM Casino in Springfield is an entertainment destination, with a footprint over 2 million square feet where the company employs more than 3,000 and invested more than $378 million.  https://www.mgmspringfield.com/en/casino.html

Silver: CRRC of Springfield – CRRC is a leading manufacturer of locomotive vehicles that invested $95 million in a 204,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Springfield and added 187 jobs. http://www.crrcgc.cc/ma

Bronze: Decker Machine Works of Greenfield – Family-owned American precision manufacturer, Decker Machine Works, creates precision parts for aerospace and communications, energy, and research development markets. The company added 11,400 square feet in Greenfield, invested $1.49 million, and added five jobs. http://deckermachineworks.com/


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