New leaders elected to AIA Board of Directors, Emily A. Grandstaff-Rice elected 2023 President-elect

Emily A. Grandstaff-Rice (Photo: Arrowstreet website)

WASHINGTON– Three new leaders have been elected to the American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) Board of Directors.

AIA delegates elected Emily A. Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA, of Boston Society of Architects/AIA Massachusetts as the 2022 First Vice President/2023 President-elect; Timothy C. Hawk, FAIA, of AIA Columbus/AIA Ohio as the 2022–2023 Treasurer; and Kevin M. Holland, FAIA, of AIA Los Angeles/AIA California as the 2022-2024 At-large Director.

Emily A. Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA, elected 2022 First Vice President/2023 President-elect

Grandstaff-Rice has held a variety of leadership positions at AIA National. In 2017, she was was elected to serve as the 2018-2020 at-large director. She also chaired the Equity and Future of Architecture Committee from 2017-2020 and the Equity in Architecture Commission from 2015-2016. In 2014, she was President of the Boston Society of Architects. Grandstaff-Rice is a senior associate at Arrowstreet in Boston. Her design work has spanned academic, hospitality, institutional, and commercial projects. She has a Bachelor of Architecture from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master of Liberal Arts in Educational Technology from Harvard University.

Timothy C. Hawk, FAIA, elected 2022-2023 Treasurer

Hawk currently serves as the 2019-2021 at-large director on the AIA National Board. He has also supported the organization in a number of other roles, including chair of the Government Advocacy Committee from 2019-2020; member of the Finance and Audit Committee from 2020-2021 as well as the Strategic Planning Committee from 2018-2019. In 2009, he served as president of the AIA Columbus Board of Directors. He is the president of WSA Studio in Columbus, Ohio. The firm partners with clients to design spaces that drive organizational change, attract top-tier talent, and build community. Hawk received his Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Architecture from The Ohio State University.

Kevin M. Holland, FAIA, elected 2022-2024 At-large Director

Holland has supported AIA National, AIA Los Angeles, and the National Association of Minority Architects (NOMA) in a number of capacities. Since 2020, he has been the Secretary for the AIA Los Angeles Board of Directors. He has also served as a member of AIA National’s Government Advocacy Committee from 2016-2018. Additionally, Holland has served on NOMA’s Board of Directors as the Immediate Past National President from 2017-2018; 1st Vice President/President-elect from 2013-2014. He was also NOMA’s Midwest Region Board of Directors Vice President from 2009-2012.  Holland is the managing principle of k.michael architects, LLC, in Los Angeles. He is committed to providing quality design to all income spectrums. Holland received his Bachelor of Science Architecture from The University of Virginia and Master of Architecture from the University of Michigan.

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