Massachusetts has 9 richest ZIP codes in the US, with Weston ranked top in the Commonwealth and # 11 in the country


WESTON, MA—The Commonwealth of Massachusetts have has nine of the 100 richest ZIP codes in the United States, with Weston at the top in Massachusetts and #11 in the country, according to the annual ranking by Bloomberg.

The average adjusted gross income in Weston is $757,000, according to the Bloomberg report.

Nine Massachusetts ZIP codes made the list are:

# 11. Weston (02493): $757,000

# 18. Downtown waterfront (02110); $622,600

# 32. Wellesley (02481): $539,500

# 37. Beacon Hill (02108): $519,700

# 50. Back Bay (02116): $480,600

# 52. Back Bay (02199): $477,900

# 55. Dover (02030): $467,100

# 82. Newton (02468): $388,000

# 96. Sherborn (01770): $355,700.

Bloomberg evaluated zip codes with at least 200 tax returns, as of the 2016 filing season and 500 housing units per latest Census survey, to extract the 300 zip codes with the highest average adjusted gross income. More than 22,000 zip codes met the criteria to be ranked.

Here are the top 10 richest ZIP codes and their average adjusted gross incomes:

#1. Miami Beach (33109):  $2.2 million

#2. Atherton, Calif. (94027): $1.29 million

#3. Palo Alto, Calif. (94301:  $1.28 million

#4. Palm Beach, Fla. (33480): $1.06 million

#5. New York City (10007): $879,000

#6. Harrison, N.Y. (10577): $857,300

#7. Medina, Wash. (98039): $848,600

#8. Los Angeles (90067): $826,400

#9. Boca Grande, Fla. (33921): $773,500

#10. Kenilworth, Ill. (60043), $772,200.

Here is the full list (Courtesy: Bloomberg):



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