Gabriela Baierle of Arrowstreet Among the Nation’s Top AIA Young Architects

Gabriela Baierle (Photo: AIA)

WASHINGTON – Gabriela Baierle of Arrowstreet has been named among 22 recipients for the AIA Young Architects Award.

The American Institute of Architects, known as AIA, has selected 22 recipients for the AIA Young Architects Award and five recipients for the Associates Award.

The AIA Young Architects Award honors individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made significant contributions to the architecture profession early in their careers.

AIA said that Baierle employs a multipronged approach in her efforts to better the profession.

“As a multicultural woman and foreign national, she brings a unique perspective that has enriched architectural discourse at all levels. Her leadership efforts at the Boston Society of Architects are coupled with boundless enthusiasm resulting in effective programs that provide opportunities for her fellow emerging professionals to thrive,” AIA said.

Here is the list of all AIA Young Architects Award recipients:

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