Cushman & Wakefield Releases 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Brett White

CHICAGO–Cushman & Wakefield, a leading global real estate services firm, released its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report covering the firm’s global operations during fiscal year 2018.

The new report highlights the firm’s ongoing commitment to corporate citizenship and to progressing international targets by aligning the company’s long-term objectives with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“At Cushman & Wakefield, corporate social responsibility is embedded in our firm’s practices and strategic vision for the future,” said Brett White, Executive Chairman & CEO. “This report demonstrates that we’re delivering on our promise to our many stakeholders to operate with integrity, responsibility and ethical standards.”

Some of Cushman & Wakefield’s notable achievements include:

  • Named ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Improved operational efficiency, reducing global greenhouse gas emissions 26% per $1 billion of revenue between 2017 and 2018
  • Continued to build a more diverse and inclusive workplace: 65% of managers hired in the U.S. were diverse, women represented 42% of new hires globally, and women comprised 40% of the firm’s external Board of Directors
  • Recognized as a best place to work by Forbes

Beginning in 2018, Cushman & Wakefield’s CSR Report was produced in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option. Additionally, in October 2018, Cushman & Wakefield became a signatory of the UN Global Compact, a non-binding pact to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation. The firm has committed to integrating the compact’s principles into its business operations in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

“We are proud of the progress we made in 2018 to meet our CSR goals, as well as our commitment to larger efforts such as the UN SDGs and UN Global Compact,” said Maria D’Avanzo, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer. “As we continue to grow, we’ve worked to enhance our existing ethics and compliance framework to meet the demands of our stakeholders, and to continue to protect our people, clients, shareholders and reputation as a leader in the industry.”

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