
2025 Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities

With over 13,700 digital daily subscribers, Boston Real Estate Times is the most read commercial real estate media in New England. The website attracts daily between 2,500 and 4,000 unique visitors and between 3,500 and 6,000 views daily. Our video-interview series Face-to-Face is rated as the most watched real estate show in Massachusetts after Channel 7.

The Glossy Print Edition:

BRET also publishes Time magazine-style glossy, high-quality limited print editions, offering exclusive exposure to those featured, and offering advertising and marketing opportunities. Circulation: 4,800.

Flagship Events:

Boston Real Estate Times produces two annual events: Ten Outstanding Women of Commercial Real Estate every year and its Annual Excellence Awards gala in corporate real estate, architecture, brokerage, construction, financing, development, sustainability and engineering, among other real estate disciplines.

BRET Conferences:

Throughout the year, BRET organizes special conferences and panel discussions ranging from Senior Houring and Assisted Living, Multifamily Investments, P3 & Academic Facilities, and HealthCare facilities, among others.

BRET Documentary Series:

With our media partner The Mishra Group Studios, BRET produces promotional documentaries, focused either on an organization, company, a specific project, individuals or expertise.

The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Edge:

Our articles are specially curated to maximize the use of SEO technology to dominate the digital world for those features and profiled. Once an article goes live, it crawls through all search engines in the digital universe.

Daily Digital Edition

Don’t miss your chance to advertise in the Boston Real Estate Times’ digital daily edition. It is distributed electronically daily to over 12,000 subscribers.

To advertise, please choose from the packages below.

Digital Daily News Edition

1 Month3 Months6 Months1 Year
Display Jumbo
600 x 200 pixels
+ Large Banner
Diplay Deluxe
600 x 150 pixels
+ Small Banner

Website Advertising

1 Month3 Months6 MonthsOne Year
Large Vertical
Size: 300 px (width) by 250 px (height)
Large Horizontal
Size: 728 px (width) by 90 px (height)
Article Top
Size: 600 px (width) by 200 px (height)

Print Edition Advertising

SizePrice per Insertion
Full Page Live Area7.5″ X 10″$4,500
Full Page Bleed8.25″ X 11.25″$4,500
Half-page (Horizontal)7.5″ X 4.75″$2,500
Half-page (Vertical)3.5″ X 10″$2,500
Quarter-page (Horizontal)2.125″ X 7.5″$1,700
Quarter-page (Vertical)3.5″ X 4.75″”$1,700
For 12 insertions: 15% Off; for 6 insertions, 10%, and for 3 insertions: 5% off.


Commercial Real Estate:                      85%
Residential:                                          10%
Retail:                                                  5%
Developers/Investors:                          20%
Commercial Brokers:                            30%
Architects:                                            20%
General and Sub-Contractors:              14%
Corporate Real Estate Executives          8%
Lenders and Financial Brokers:               3%
Miscellaneous:                                       5%

Digital Ad Material Specifications

• 72 dpi in the dimensions specified (width x height in pixels)
• RGB color mode
• File size no larger than 100KB, compressed for web

To advertise with Boston Real Estate Times, please contact Upendra Mishra at or call us at 781-373-3220, ext 215.

Become a Sponsor

Annual Sponsorship: $95,000

  • Platinum sponsorship of two annual flagship events: Outstanding Women and Excellence Awards. Full page color advertisement in both print editions. A Table of 10 at both events.
  • Annual sponsor recognition at all events during the year.
  • Logo on all event marketing materials.
  • Opportunities to moderate or speak at our events.
  • Two video interviews.
  • One 15-minute documentary on the company or a project.
  • Opportunities to distribute promotional gifts at events.
  • Yearlong sponsorship visibility on BRET website.
  • Featured digital newsletters from time to time.
  • A banner ad in 50 daily digital editions of Boston Real Estate Times linked to the sponsor’s website.

Quarterly Sponsorship: $25,000

ChannelSponsorship BenefitDuration
PrintFull-page ad3 issues
Digital Daily EditionLarge size ad50 issues
Monthly Events & NetworkingEvent SponsorshipFree entry for up to 3 people
Video InterviewsFace-to-Face InterviewOne interview

Monthly Sponsorship: $9,500

ChannelSponsorship BenefitDuration
PrintFull-page ad One issue
Digital Daily EditionLarge size ad25 issues
Monthly Events & NetworkingEvent sponsorshipFree entry for 1 person
Video InterviewsFace-to-Face InterviewOne interview

Circulated daily via email to 13,700 subscribers, Boston Real Estate Times is the premier source of online information about commercial real estate in Massachusetts. We cover the latest news in leasing, sales and investments, architecture, construction, corporate real estate, finance and everything that touches any rubric of the real estate industry.
